Venus Freeze Plus provides a virtually pain-free, non invasive treatment that comfortably heats the deeper layer of your skin to increase collagen production. This effectively erases fine lines and wrinkles; tightens sagging skin around the cheeks, chin, neck and body and restores more refreshed , younger looking skin.
• (Tightening and Reducing fat at the same time)
• Circumference Fat Reduction
• Body Contouring & Sculpting
• Cellulite Reduction
• Brazilian Bum Lifts
• Wrinkle Reduction
Free Consultation
Only available at our City East Salon: Tel. 061 423112
Praised by patients worldwide
This non-invasive treatment uses Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields to treat all of your concerns simultaneously.
Most patients receive 6-8 treatments per area, with each session lasting only 30 minutes. Consult your certifi ed provider to determine the right treatment plan for you.
Treatments that are safe
Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields have been used in medicine for many years and are proven and effective technologies.
Experience your treatment in comfort
Enjoy a relaxing, pain-free treatment with no
downtime that produces long-term results
Free Consultation
Only available at our City East Salon: Tel. 061 423112